Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Writing Scenes With Driving Action

Consequences of the character actions are history and position in the plot.  Driving the action are the characters personal motivations to begin taking action.  The challenge in the scene related to the plot continues building the characters development.

Obstacles build drama and add conflict; they are the opposition to the protagonists’ goals.  From the first chapter on, how life is seen and lived with conflict through the arc of the story is the theme and it is settled at the end.  Detail of description enhances conflict and is the writers’ expression of style and voice.

Stretch the emotional tension description between the characters response and action.  Description slows down a scene increasing the feeling.  A character’s response and action are to gain the goal without a loss.  Consequences may be unknown immediately instead of developed expectations and questions need to be justified and answered.  Unfolding or revealing action gives credibility for the readers understanding and interest.

In the first scene establish the protagonists’ key in character with a challenge for consequences.
Opposing dialogue creates conflict and tension in each characters own voice.  Movement is the activity of characters or their surroundings within a scene, the action for forward momentum.  Mobility of characters in an activity or active interaction with dialogue includes a reader in the scene.  A book should connect with readers and there are many interests, some may read for the company of your protagonist.

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